The freelance field assistants from the Amazon forest need our help! [Texto em inglês]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, these people are out of work or forced into high-risk activities. Help us provide a temporary income for them and their families.

Last week, a group of conservationist researchers in the Amazon launched a campaign entitled “S.O.S Mateiros da Amazônia (SOS Mateiros - Fundraiser)” for the benefit of the freelance assistants: field hands (known as ‘mateiros’), boat drivers, tree climbers, cookers, etc. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these people are out of work or forced into high-risk activities.

The campaign aims: “To ensure that research assistants who have no other safe source of income have temporary support to maintain their personal and family needs. With the hope of achieving some degree of stability by the second half of this year, our initial goal is to support them for 6 months. The funds received will be divided equally and passed on monthly to each of the beneficiaries”, say the researchers.

For more details, visit the campaign website here.

Help by donating, spreading the word, or collaborating!

These people are essential in our field research. It’s time to give back!

Campaign flyer


Caroline C. Vasconcelos
Caroline C. Vasconcelos
Doutoranda em Botânica

Meus interesses de pesquisa incluem taxonomia e sistemática (especialmente Sapotaceae neotropical); espectroscopia como ferramenta integrativa; flora amazônica; modelagem de distribuição de espécies; estudos florísticos; e ecologia de florestas tropicais.

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