
Spectra Pop

Popularizing the use of the Species Spectral Signature to identify trees in Sustainable Forest Management in the Amazon Description Errors in the identification of timber species affect the entire production chain in forest management, from the sustainability of the management of species with high commercial value for future harvesting cycles, to inspection and the sale and marketing of timber.


Revealing the unknowns: epiphytes, insects, and fungi associated with lowland arboreal flora in the eastern Amazon Description In the floodplain forests of the Amazon River estuary and the Guiana Shield (eastern Amazon), ecosystems and nature-society interactions are shaped by daily tidal floods, making the region highly sensitive to Atlantic sea level rise and oil spills.


Tropical Seed Trait Database network Description The Tropical Seed Trait Database (TSTD) is an inclusive network of researchers that aims to compile a large database of seed traits in tropical species.


Amazon Tree Diversity Network Description The forests of the Amazon basin and Guiana Shield (together Amazonia) arguably hold the greatest biodiversity on Earth: an estimated 1300 species of birds, 427 species of mammals and 50,000 species of seed plants.